In this fast-paced digital era, it’s easy to miss important messages or overlook certain conversations. Our attention spans may be shorter but that doesn’t mean we should ignore each other’s needs.
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) is a statewide campaign that aims to foster a culture of understanding, empathy, and support for Alaska’s teens. Join us in challenging the status quo by reevaluating the way we approach tough emotions and daily challenges faced by today’s youth, like peer pressure to drink alcohol or knowing how to help a friend who’s going through a tough time.
Are you ready to spark positive change in the conversations you have with the people in your life? By taking a moment to reconsider the discussions we have, we can create safe spaces where everyone feels empowered to freely express their emotions and seek the support they need.
You don’t have to face it alone
If you’re looking for more ways to have healthy, meaningful conversations, check out these resources:
- Healthy Native Youth - Talking Is Power: Tools for Parents
- Talk. They Hear You. (national/SAMHSA)
- Center for Parent and Teen Communication
- Above the Influence
- Partnership to End Addiction
- How to Help a Friend With Addiction
- Talk Now. Talk Often. DV/SA prevention (Alaska)
If you are a teen or young adult wondering how to create stronger connections with yourself and your place in the world, check out the Choose Connection campaign. These connections help us stay present and resilient and make us less likely to engage in risky behavior like drinking alcohol.
If you are experiencing an emergency, call 9-1-1. If you need help finding a behavioral health provider, visit ANTHC Behavioral Health, Findtreatment.gov, or NAMI Alaska. If you need support finding a behavioral health specialist, call 1-800-662-4357. If you are in crisis, grieving, concerned about someone, or feeling down, please contact the Alaska Careline at 9-8-8.