Building Power
Faces & Voices of Recovery- Faces & Voices of Recovery is dedicated to organizing and mobilizing the over 23 million Americans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, our families, friends and allies into recovery community organizations and networks, to promote the right and resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery.
National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED)- NNED is a network of community-based organizations focused on mental health and substance use issues of diverse racial and ethnic communities. The NNED supports information sharing, training, and technical assistance towards the goal of promoting behavioral health equity.
Collective Impact Forum- The Collective Impact Forum, an initiative of FSG and the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions, is the place to find the tools and training that can help achieve success. It’s an expanding network of like-minded individuals coming together from across sectors to share useful experience and knowledge and thereby accelerating the effectiveness, and further adoption, of the collective impact approach as a whole.
Othering and Belonging Institute- The Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley brings together researchers, organizers, stakeholders, communicators, and policymakers to identify and eliminate barriers to an inclusive, just, and sustainable society in order to create transformative change. We are a diverse and vibrant hub generating work centered on realizing a world where all people belong, where belonging entails being respected at a level that includes the right to both contribute and make demands upon society and political and cultural institutions.
CTZNWELL- CTZNWELL imagines a culture of wellness beyond separation, supremacy, and scarcity, where all of us have what we need to thrive on our own terms and experience the full, joyful interdependence of our humanity.