Get Involved

Hello! And welcome.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about The Alliance: United to prevent alcohol misuse and promote community wellness. We are a group of individuals and organizations with a personal or professional connection to reducing alcohol misuse and building community wellness in Alaska. We invite you to familiarize yourself with who we are. We value the lived experience each person brings and know there is a place for you in The Alliance.

To begin, we invite you to orient yourself with The Alliance’s common agenda. Our common agenda, which is woven throughout our website, is the story of who we are, what we do, and how we do it. Our mission, vision, broad strategic direction, and objectives are part of our common agenda and can be found on the What We Do page.

If all of this work was left to one organization alone, it would be improbable to achieve. The strength of the Alliance comes in a shared commitment to our collective vision. To add your name to the growing list of engaged partners, please keep reading to learn how you can get involved and become an Alliance network member.

Early on, it was clear that, in order to develop a statewide network, we needed to build in regional infrastructure. Regional co-chairs of the Alliance offer valuable place-based insights and hold important relationships in their respective regions.

To increase knowledge and understanding, we encourage you to visit our resources page. To track on population-level shared indicators of the Alliance, visit our data dashboard.

Be well,
Alliance members

New Member Orientation Packet

How to Get Involved


Attend an Alliance meeting

john a. powell stated that “Change moves at the speed of trust.” With that being true, we have placed a lot of importance on building relationships and cultivating that trust to help grow the collaborative muscle of the group. Being connected and in conversation with those delivering a shared message of health and healing and focusing as much on how we do the work as the work we do are critical aspects that guide the practices of The Alliance. 

The Alliance hosts two general meeting spaces:

  1. Alliance open member meetings are held monthly on the third Tuesday of each month, 1-2pm. These are a space for us to gather, connect and build relationship, and be guided through wellness practice and systems learning by guest facilitators. This monthly meeting is a great way for folks new to The Alliance and systems change, or for those wanting to engage in wellness practice, to come and learn together.
  2. Alliance integration sessions are held every other month. These continue to be open to all Alliance members. They are particularly geared toward people who actively participate in workgroups. The intention for this space is to increase communication, support, and collaboration between Alliance workgroups and teams, in order to move toward our strategic goals and objectives, as outlined in our common agenda. For more information on when the next Alliance integration session is, visit our community calendar at

Build connection with other practitioners via our Member Portal

The member portal is intended to connect people to archived Alliance notes, reports, and workgroup documentation through a shared Google folder. Building relationships and strengthening connections will get us to our goal of a healthy and healing Alaska, making the way we work be an example of what’s possible. If you’d like to connect to others in the network, an open source member list is linked in the member portal, which you can access here.

Join an Alliance workgroup

Organizational Design – This workgroup aims to guide the infrastructure development of collaborative governance in the Alliance network, ensuring that it is understandable and accessible. And, to practice and test collaborative governance in our own workgroup, honoring flexibility and fluidity while hearing other perspectives with openness.

  • The organizational design workgroup meets on the first Thursday of each month, noon - 1:30 p.m.

Communications – This workgroup aims to lead decision-making around internal and external communications of The Alliance.

  • The communications workgroup meets on the second Tuesday of each month, 1 - 2 p.m.

Strategy – This workgroup aims to provide ways for people to connect, share valuable stories and insights, and influence regional and statewide prevention strategy. This includes producing clear tools and processes for aligning with and contributing to emergent strategies in The Alliance. It is also the aim of this group to maintain the common agenda, or strategic framework for action, in collaboration with other working groups.

  • The strategy workgroup meets on the third Tuesday of each month, 10:30 a.m. - noon.

Data and Learning – This workgroup aims to increase data equity and justice in data collection and decision-making. This includes supporting capacity building for data collection and use for smaller communities and organizations in Alaska, and coordinating advocacy for statewide data collection efforts to be more responsive to community-specific needs.

  • The data and learning workgroup meets on the second Monday of each month, alternating 12:30 - 2 p.m. (odd months) and 2 - 3:30 p.m. (even months).

Evaluation and Learning – This workgroup aims to increase data equity and justice in data collection and decision-making. This workgroup aims to be key decision-makers for Alliance evaluation activities and establish a community of learning around network evaluation so it is accessible and inclusive.

  • The evaluation and learning workgroup meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, 9-10 a.m.

Become a network member

One of our main Alliance objectives involves creating community belonging. There are never any dues or fees for network membership, and there are lots of ways of participating in the Alliance network community. All ways are valuable and contribute to the success of our network. Tamarack Institute identifies membership as a spectrum, and people hold different roles in different spaces. The membership spectrum includes:

  • Interested network members are kept informed about the overall functioning of the Alliance via emails/newsletters.
  • Supportive network members want to provide some form of support, like sharing input or feedback, responding to surveys, sharing or accessing resources, or participating in events. 
  • Involved network members have an understanding of the network's purpose and are a part of a workgroup, circle, or team within the network. 
  • Core network members are able to speak from experience about the network and share in the responsibility and sustainability of the network. 

It is expected that people will participate in a variety of ways over time, as your interest and ability allows. Once you sign up to be a member of The Alliance, you are a network member until you ask to be removed.

Become a Network Member

Stay connected with The Alliance. Subscribe below to receive email updates, meeting information, and more.

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Is there anything else we need to know about you, or do you have any questions for us?