
If “change moves at the speed of trust,” as john a. powell has said, then we must work diligently to build trust within the prevention and wellness community. Building relationships and strengthening connections will get us to our goal of a healthy and healing Alaska, making the way we work together an example of what is possible.

This portal is intended to connect people to:

  • one another, as we all hold wisdom and experience that can guide the work; and
  • Alliance documentation - archives of where we’ve been, information you may want to share with your circles of influence, and current agendas and notes.

We know that communication is critical and also challenging. There are many options and we are mindful of any request that makes people learn new platforms. As an Alliance, we have decided to move forward with a Member List (connection to people) and Google Drive (connection to documentation). By clicking on an icon below, you will be able to register for and enter each space. Within Google Drive, there are tutorials that will help you get started.

Collaboration Tools

Member List

We track membership via a platform called Knack. If you have not yet set up a member profile, please do so here.

Google Docs
  • historical docs / reports
  • meeting agendas and notes
  • other materials

Become a Network Member

Stay connected with The Alliance. Subscribe below to receive email updates, meeting information, and more.

Please enter the 5-digit zip code of the area you live and/or work.
Please select the region of the state where you live and/or work.
Please select all that apply.
Is there anything else we need to know about you, or do you have any questions for us?
This portal is a first attempt and we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments or suggestions to kelby@walshsheppard.com

This space is intended for current partners of the Alliance. If you are a current or new partner and have not yet received access to the collaboration tools noted above, request access by contacting info@recoveralaska.org